Phytosteroids of the Judean Desert frontier
The Judean Desert is situated between the Judean Hills, with an elevation of up to 1000 m above sea level and a rainy, Mediterranean climate, and the Dead Sea, which is the lowest place on earth – more than 400 m below sea level, with constantly warm and dry conditions. These two climatic extremes are separated by a narrow strip, ca. 30kms (14 miles) wide, which includes the Judean Desert. This creates a rare encounter between two herbal populations, and a strong climatic gradient, resulting in high stress levels in plants. One result of this stress isa relatively high level of certain phytosteroids, are involved in plants’ adaptation to stress.
Phytosteroids of the Judean Desert frontier
The Judean Desert is situated between the Judean Hills, with an elevation of up to 1000 m above sea level and a rainy, Mediterranean climate, and the Dead Sea, which is the lowest place on earth — more than 400 m below sea level, with constantly warm and dry conditions. These two climatic extremes are separated by a narrow strip, ca. 30kms (14 miles) wide, which includes the Judean Desert. This creates a rare encounter between two herbal populations, and a strong climatic gradient, resulting in high stress levels in plants. One result of this stress isa relatively high level of certain phytosteroids, are involved in plants’ adaptation to stress. It appears that such phytosteroids are useful for various therapeutic purposes, including:
a.Replacing Cortisone, for treating auto-immune skin diseases such as psoriasis, rheumatic problems, and various inflammations;
b.An adaptogenic effect, such as in the case of ecdysteroids helping faster muscle recovery during training by athletes;
c. Blocking the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, which helps treat male-pattern hair loss, as well as prostate hyperplasia
Indigenous herbs include
a.Origanum dayi – grows exclusively in this area and in the Trans-Jordan hills. Rich in essential oil (up to 2% of its weight). Possesses anti-bacterial properties, yet is mild on the skin
Possibly on of the Biblical Hyssop species:
(Science against microbial pathogens: communicating current research and technological advances)
Antidermatophytic activity of essential oils
Molecules 2010, 15, 9252-9287
Such species were found more potent against Propionibacterium acnes than Benzoyl peroxide:
Am J Pathol. Jun 2005; 166(6): 1691–1699.
b.Varthemia iphionoides – grows on limestone-rich soils, flourishes during late summer. Contains an essential oil with strong tissue-regenerating properties.
c.Achilea fragrantissima – a species with fragrant essential oil, that helps in skin healing.
d.Haplophylum tuberculatum – a species that is less toxic than rue, and with similar therapeutic effects.
e.Micromeria fruticosa – grows particularly in the Judean hills, and is strongly calming
f.Vebascum sinaiticum – a strongly astringent plant
g.Origanum syriacum – grows in the Judean hills. Includes two several chemotypes, with different percentages of Thymol and Carvacrol in their essential oils. Strongly anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.
h. Corydothymus capitatus (Spanish Thyme) – a member of the thyme family, strongly anti-bacterial and anti-fungal:
Chemical Composition of Essential Oils of Thymus and Mentha
Species and Their Antifungal Activities
Molecules 2009, 14, 238-249;
i.Hypericum triquetrifolium – resembles Saint John’s Wort in its contents and therapeutic effects.
j. Leontice leontopetalum – an herbs with bulbs that are rich in saponins
k. Inula viscosa – common in the Judean hills. Strongly anti-fungal.
l.Tanaceutum santanoloides – a relative of Feverfew. Strong anti-parasyte activity.
b.Varthemia iphionoides – grows on limestone-rich soils, flourishes during late summer. Contains an essential oil with strong tissue-regenerating properties.
c. Achilea fragrantissima – a species with fragrant essential oil, that helps in skin healing.
d.Haplophylum tuberculatum – a species that is less toxic than rue, and with similar therapeutic effects.
e. Micromeria fruticosa – grows particularly in the Judean hills, and is strongly calming
f.Vebascum sinaiticum – a strongly astringent plant
g.Origanum syriacum – grows in the Judean hills. Includes two several chemotypes, with different percentages of Thymol and Carvacrol in their essential oils. Strongly anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.
h. Corydothymus capitatus (Spanish Thyme) – a member of the thyme family, strongly anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.
i. Hypericum triquetrifolium – resembles Saint John’s Wort in its contents and therapeutic effects.
j. Leontice leontopetalum – an herbs with bulbs that are rich in saponins
k. Inula viscosa – common in the Judean hills. Strongly anti-fungal.
l.Tanaceutum santanoloides – a relative of Feverfew. Strong anti-parasytic activity.
Use of Dead Sea minerals for
activating self-healing
During recent years, scientific research has shown that minerals absorbed while soaking in Dead Sea water, help treat inflammatory conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, and Osteoarthritis
Research has also shown that regularly bathing in Dead Sea water helped relieve skin problems, such as acne and psoriasis. It has been suggested that the high concentration of magnesium in Dead Sea water acts to reduce inflammations. This can also be beneficial in fighting the appearance of aging in the skin. Scientists believe that trace elements, such as Selenium, may have an important contribution.
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